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World Theatre Day 2019:
Joint celebration by the eight Greek theatrical groups of Belgium

ΑλΜΑ, participating in the celebration of World Theatre Day organized for the second consecutive year

by all Greek theatrical groups in Brussels on March 27, 2019 at the Theatre 'de Lijsterbes',

presented a composition entitled "I Want A Different Country...", based on the play "I want a country" by Andreas Flourakis.

I want a different country... 

After the warm reception of our first show, its increasingly relevant messages (it is no coincidence that in the approximately 6 years of the play's life, it has already been presented several times both in Greece and abroad, among others in the UK, the USA, Italy, Germany, India and Mexico ...) but also the creative flexibility it offers, led us to the decision to "create" "I Want a Different Country...", with an abbreviation of the text, with a mostly new group of actors than that of the first performance and a different directorial approach, which focuses more on the collective cry of agony of the individuals looking for a new country.

Creative team

Directed by:

Chrysa Baltzaki, Kyprianos Moutevelis


Christos Aivaliotis

Eleni Andreadou

Stella Daravigou

Alexandros Zervakis

Emilia Kitsiou

Gianna Kyriakoudi

Antonia Malainou

Grigoris Mastoras

Faye Papantoniou

Maria Papoulia

Apostolos Sarantidis

George Fotinidis-Rethemiotakis

More info...

Press release

Theatrical event-Organization: The eight Greek theatre groups of Belgium, each with a small theatrical creation, celebrated the World Theatre Day. The event was prefaced by Mr. Stratis Panourios, Actor and Director of the National Theatre of Greece.

The event for this year's World Theatre Day was dedicated to the late George Andronidis (09/08/1924 - 22/06/2018), a founding member of the Hellenic Theatre of Belgium, with an active and uninterrupted presence in the theatrical events of Brussels for over 25 years, in recognition of his talent and contribution.

The participating teams were in alphabetical order:

1. ΑλΜΑ

2. Atelier Theatrale of Brussels

3. Greek Theatre of Belgium

4. Hellenic Community of Brussels

5. THESPIS Brussels

6. Lykeio Ellinidon of Brussels



Excerpts from works by D. Kechaidis, P. Mentis, T. Papageorgiou, E. Tsolakidis, A. Flourakis, D. Psathas and the theatrical group ex-animo were presented in a single performance.


The above Greek theatre groups in Belgium organised a joint celebration of World Theatre Day for the second time in 2019. This day is March 27 every year, established in 1962 by the International Theatre Institute, the most important international non-governmental organization in the field of theatrical art, established in 1948 in Prague on the initiative of UNESCO, and is celebrated in more than 100 countries. The principles we all honour together on this day are the role of theatre in society, its contribution to the mutual understanding of individuals and peoples, and the exercise of cultural expression without distinctions of age, gender, beliefs or nationality. Every year a theatre personality delivers a suitable global message for this day. This year, the message was written by renowned Cuban director, playwright and theatre professor Carlos CELDRÁN. Here is an excerpt :

"My theatrical homeland lies in those moments of meeting the spectators who arrive at our theatre night after night, from the most varied corners of my city, to accompany us and share some hours, a few minutes. My life is built up from those unique moments when I cease to be myself, to suffer for myself, and I am reborn and understand the meaning of the theatrical profession: to live instants of pure ephemeral truth, where we know that what we say and do, there under the stage lights, is true and reflects the most profound, most personal, part of ourselves. My theatrical country, mine and that of my actors, is a country woven from such moments, where we leave behind the masks, the rhetoric, the fear of being who we are, and we join hands in the dark."

We invite the audience to honour this day, first of all for the symbolism it contains and secondly, for the stage collaboration of the eight Greek theatre groups - a number greater than the corresponding ones of any other "foreign" language spoken in this city - in a common show, with the prospect of holding similar joint events in the future, with your support.

The co-organizing theatre groups



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