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'The Little Pony'
"When you believe, magic exists."
But what if the exact opposite happens?
Irini and Stelios are the parents of Harry, a child who experiences the nightmare of bullying every day at school.
Will they be able to overcome their differences and believe in their child before it is too late for him?
A play dedicated to all the children who have suffered insults and violence without anyone around them doing anything to prevent it.

Every Brilliant Thing
ΑλΜΑ presented for the first time in Brussels Duncan Macmillan's interactive monologue
"Every Brilliant Thing" in two languages.
In English with Corina Hamilton – Fowle
and in Greek with Vicky Karkani.
The shows took place
on 22, 23 and 24 March 2019
at the theatre “l'Arrière-scène”.

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